Tuesday, May 07, 2002

Hey everybody! Guess who's an official vocal performance major!! (Hint: Me!!) Yes that's right, I finally passed my juries Sunday night. This has been a pretty rough semester. I've had 4 respiratory infections, the latest of which being about a week and a half ago, which I'm still recovering from. My voice is real tired and airy so I sound hoarse in my lower register, but I made it anyway. Miracles do happen! Then, when I got to work today, there was a little sign up on the door that said "Congratulations April!" and was signed by everyone. Awww! Thanks guys!:) I got my Miss Cincy video last night. It's not any better than a cheap home movie. The focus is terrible and the person filming it never seemed to know who he was filming. Plus, he only got the last 2 seconds of Jennica's talent. I'd really looked forward to seeing hers since I didn't get a good view backstage. I don't think they should've charged 38 bucks for it. Plus, I look really fat in my swimsuit. Those cameras certainly add the pounds! Eew! Well, if anyone wants to see it anyway, lemme know. I'm gonna type my final French paper now then study for my French Lit exam. I don't really care how I do in those classes cuz... I'M A PERFORMANCE MAJOR!!!!! (Recital time and date TBA.) bye!


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