Friday, March 22, 2002

hey children! It is now about one week away from the miss cincy pageant, and I feel like a little ball in a pinball machine, bouncing around everywhere trying to decide what to do or where to go next! I got soooooo much to do before next week. not all pageant-related either. Je dois ecrire mon troisieme travail ecrit, et j'ai un examen de mis-session lundi. (Yeah, i got a couple french classes on my schedule.) If anyone wants to go to the pageant, please do! Hughes Center, 730 pm in Cincy next Sat. Mar. 30. Tickets are sold at the door and there's a lot of ways to win fun prizes! I'm freezing now and I have a tanning appointment in 15 minutes. (Yes, I'm tanning! And, no, I haven't burnt yet!)
So long, all you loyal people of Norfsburgh!


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