Monday, March 18, 2002

I'm afraid this will be a depressing entry, so do not read if you wish not to be put out of your good mood. Well, many of you have probably heard by now about the 6 BGSU students killed on their way home from spring break. Some of you even knew them. I didn't, but it's tragic nonetheless. This past year or so has really sucked! Everyone seems to be dying. First my great-aunt Alice back in Jan. 2001, our family friend Tim the following March, my brother's friend a few months later, another family friend, my grandmother, one of my brother's best friends (poor guy!), then the Sept. 11 tragedies, now these 6 young girls. Plus, Kirsten just wrote in her email that one of her professors in Austria saw her friend plummet to his death while hiking in the mountains, and had also lost another friend fairly recently. My God! What is wrong with the world? Is there no where safe from any of this? I'm afraid not. Well, the rest of you had better stay healthy. There's already too much death in the world for you to hurry it along by means of smoking, drunk driving, or whatever. OK, now that I have officially bummed everyone out after what should have been a happy return from spring vacations, I shall sign off, leaving us all with the grim reminder of our own mortality.


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