Tuesday, April 30, 2002

OK, I'll finish up here where I left off now that I have some time. So, they called each of us out on the stage, in order, one last time, and we formed a line across the stage. They took a while thanking people and stuff, then they announced the winner of the interview competition. That was Jennica. Then, the swimsuit competition, which was Carla (not surprising since she's a Cincinnati Bengals cheerleader!), then the talent competition. There was a 3-way tie here. The winners were Tiffany (of course!), Janel, and Jennica. The winner of evening wear was a tie between the girl next to me (I'll have to look up names later cuz I forget!) and the girl wearing the gorgeous lilac gown. Then, the runners-up. If these aren't right, I'm sorry and I'll edit them asap! 4th runner up was Carla, 3rd was Janel (I think), 2nd was someone else I can't think of, 1st runner-up (who gets to go to Miss Heart of it all for a final shot to compete in Miss Ohio) was Tiffany, and the Winner of Miss Cincy 2002 was...April Yeager! No, just kidding! It was Jennica, which I figured since she'd already gotten the top score in 2 competitions. She was very excited, as this was her last year to compete (her "swan song!"). So, after she took a little walk and waved, we all filed back to the cafeteria to change back into regular clothes. I wasn't upset or disappointed or anything. I didn't expect to win, with it being my first competition. I was just so glad that I could look back and say I did it! I plan to do it again this year, too, and not just once. I wanna enter as many as I can to increase my chances of winning one. So, Mom and I gathered up my stuff, hugged and congratulated all the girls then went out to the foyer. All the judges were there getting their pics taken with the winners. I got one of Hot Frank! Jennica's mother hugged me and told me to keep with it cuz I had a lot of potential, and gave me a business card for a pageant consultant. (Hehe. If I contacted her, I'd be reneging what I told the judges about the whole "naturalness" thing!) She also said many people couldn't believe it was my first one and I looked so poised! I had to run back to the front of the auditorium to get my CD back. All the way there and back, people were like, "Good job! I really liked your talent, etc." Even the judges said that. I said thanks but was thinking, "Then why didn't I win?!" haha! I said good bye to Ronn (he said I did a terrific job) and eventually found my way back to the car. Mom let me drive home (I had to beg her, though). It was a lot smoother going home. No accidents or traffic jams. We stopped at a McDonalds somewhere cuz I was starved! I hadn't eaten much all day, and nothing at all since lunch, which was a good 11 hours earlier! On the way home, we called Dad on my cell to tell him how things went and I asked how the kitties were. For the last hour or so, I was really struggling to stay awake, but I refused to switch cuz Mom is so not a night person and was even more tired than me. I drove like 85 the whole way just to get there faster, which made my mom tremble and beg me to go no faster than 75.  Hehe. So, anyway, we got home between 1:30 and 2 am and I just dropped my stuff on the floor and fell over on my bed, after kissing each of the kitties hello, of course. Bro was just ecstatic to see me! Well, anyway, Ronn emailed all of us later to tell us we did a fabulous job, etc. Then, he emailed me again to inform me that I had in fact won something: the gift basket auction! So, I get a special prize for that (which should be on its way, I hope!). I just ordered a copy of the video, so if anyone wants to see it, let me know! Oh, and by the way, after the competition, I told Tiffany that I still think she's going to go on to Miss Ohio, and guess what? She won Miss Heart of it All and will be in the state competition this June. I sure love being right!:) Congrats to her, too! 'Kay, well I am finally finally FINALLY done with the complete story of my first (and definitely not last) beauty pageant. Look for me on Miss America someday! Or, just sing the song when you see me walking by!


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