Friday, July 15, 2005

Oh my God, you guys. I'm leaving for Vegas in exactly 16 hours and I still have so much to do before then, it's not even funny! Last night, I was at Judy's house in Columbus, having my brand new gown altered, plus working on walking and saying my introduction to the timed music. I didn't get home until nearly midnight. I hadn't been home all day except for a few hours. Kirby was obviously very displeased with my absentee-ism, and she made it known by peeing on my bed right where I usually sleep. Poor thing! I don't know how she's gonna handle me being gone all week. She'll be with my grandparents and Abby (their Bichon) so it's not like she'll be home alone. But, this is the longest we've ever been apart and I'm really dreading being away from her. My poor heart is breaking and bleeding all over my new shoes! Yes, I'll miss my kitties, too, but at least I know they can take care of themselves. They did fine when we were in Hawai'i, so it's not like this is their first time with us being gone. Kirby, however, is just a baby and she needs me as much as I need her! OMG, I'm gonna cry. OK, on to other topics: I haven't even started packing yet. I actually need to find more suitcases for all my stuff. I have gowns, suits, cocktail dresses, makeup, a dress steamer, and of course all those souvenir bags that I have to find room for. Did I mention those little souvenir bags? Well, all the contestants have to have about 100 made up for the souvenir gift exchange they do every year. Sounds like a nice concept, right? Well, it's not exactly practical for those of us who have to fly across the country! These bags alone take up at least 2 whole suitcases, as long as they're scrunched in there! The good news is: I didn't have to buy anything for them, I called around to a bunch of places and got everything in them donated to me. Today, I still have to go tanning, bleach my arms, buy some last-minute supplies (make-up and panythose, e.g.), find a nice large suitcase, pack it full, and painfully drop Kirbs off at Grandma's. But, I won't talk about that part. We're leaving for DTW at 3:30 am so we can be there at 4:30 for a 6:30 flight. I know I'll be too excited to sleep on the plane and I'll probably be too busy to sleep tonight, so I'm not quite sure when, if ever, I'll be able to rest up before the week begins. I know once I'm there I'll have fun. But, as of right now, I'm really nervous and kinda freaking out. I was on the website looking at pictures from last year's competition and it got me all psyched out. My heart started pounding and my tummy was fluttering. I'm not usually nervous for things like this so it's kinda weird that this is happening. So, I need all y'all to send out all your prayers/hugs/well-wishes/etc. over here to me and my family. Oh, did I mention I have a bad sinus infection, too? Yep, I'm all congested, my throat hurts, and I'm going to be sitting in a pressurized cabin in a few hours. This could suck if it doesn't clear up. When I get back I'll fill y'all in and post pics, too. Until then.....oh, geez.


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