Friday, April 08, 2005

Herpes, anyone?

I had a very interesting eveing last night. (Did you detect the hint of sarcasm there?) Now that I'm working in a physician's office (an OB/GYN) I get to attend all kinds of functions, like going out to dinner at expensive restaraunts, all paid for by pharmaceutical companies. The only catch is that we usually have to sit through a talk about their product and promise to prescribe it to some of our patients. But, for a free meal and drinks, I'd be willing to sit through almost anything, as I'm sure you all would agree. Well, last night we went out to Rockwell's for what I had thought was to be dinner with a nice young girl who peddles Ortho-Evra (a birth control patch), with just the other ladies in our office. Turns out, that dinner was cancelled, and what we were actually going to was a function for multiple area physicians with a lecture on Valtrex. Yes, that's right, the herpes medecine! So, we got sit through a (very informative!) power point presentation on herpes, including some quite graphic pictures. And, all this during dinner! Fortunately, it was an open bar. Unfortunately, I hadn't eaten in over 7 hours, so the stuff went straight to me. The food there was very high quality (and undoubtedly expensive, if you're actually paying for it) but there wasn't a whole lot of April-friendly food. Jumbo shrimp (blech!), stuff with mushrooms on it (double blech!), and a choice of filet mignon, chicken with crap on it, and mahi mahi. Seriously, what's wrong with a little pasta, people?
Anyway, the guy was a good speaker, but more people came than they had anticipated which made the event a little late getting underway. Mom and I finally ducked out of there around 8:30 or 9:00 (I think). And, this morning (ironically, as I was typing this) 2 of the Valtrex reps we met last night came in to bring us some more samples and patient information. The one guy was wearing a nametag with the Valtrex logo on it, which made me laugh because I started thinking about Stephen Lynch's album "Superhero." (In case you're not familiar, Stephen Lynch is a very talented-and hot!-singing comedian who's been featured on Comedy Central, and recently released a DVD "Live from the El Rey.") Shameless plug, huh?
Well, anyway, on his album "Superhero" he asks the audience to come up with new superheroes and some weirdo from the audience shouts out, "Valtrex man!" Well, I guess that guy already exists! I even asked the guy if he'd heard of Stephen Lynch, and he had and even knew the song. So, we had a good laugh about that, as he joked that his cape was at the cleaner's. So, that was my lovely, educational evening. Happy herpes, everyone!


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